Lineage Analyzer
Today, when developing web3 DApps, developers often utilize open-source code to significantly enhance development efficiency. However, the quality of open-source code varies, and some projects even harbor security vulnerabilities. Direct adoption of such code may pose security risks. Furthermore, indiscriminate use of open-source code without adhering to its license terms could potentially expose project stakeholders to legal liabilities.
Our lineage analysis engine, built on top of tens of millions of on-chain contracts and real-world contract vulnerabilities, can easily explore the origins and vulnerabilities of your project's code and assess whether there are any licensing risks. Moreover, we've developed a highly efficient real-time threat detection system. Should any security events occur with the referenced code, we can promptly alert you, enabling you to take preventive measures promptly.
- Fork analysis: Lineage analysis identifies contracts in your project that originate from other public contracts and analyze their degree of similarity. Our algorithm is highly efficient, capable of analyzing complex projects within our vast database of tens of millions of on-chain contracts and providing results within 5 minutes.
- License risk assessment: We alert you when your code fails to comply with the legal terms of the referenced code's license.
- Vulnerability detection: Lineage analysis leverages our vulnerability database to detect complex logic vulnerabilities discovered in similar code.
- Security monitoring: In the event of a security incident within the referenced code, we offer early warning services.
Updated 10 months ago