Credits are used to measure a user's consumption of node resources. We provide users with the corresponding monthly credit usage limit according to different plans. For more information about the monthly credit usage limits for different plans, see Plan Specifications.
We set different credit consumption levels for resources consumed when a single call is made to each API method based on the resource type (computing resource and storage resource) and API complexity. Take Ethereum as an example, sending an eth_getBlockByHash request consumes 25 credits, and sending an eth_sendRawTransaction request consumes 200 credits.
In the future, we will support more vertical scenarios and data-based value-added services. Different services have different pricing for resource consumption. We will offer a reasonable price lower than the market price and provide pay-as-you-go pricing services.
Credit/s measures the number of credits used per second for making requests. Each RPC method is weighted differently. Credit/s is more efficient than counting only the number of requests sent per second in different use cases.
For example, for the provided Free package, there is a maximum limit on the number of credits consumed per second, with a maximum consumption of 300 credits per second.
If you are entering the node service console for the first time, please read carefully and thoroughly understand the statement given in the pop-up window. Once you start to use this free trial service, your use behavior will be deemed as an approval of the entire content of this statement.
After agreeing to our disclaimer and related service terms, you will receive a free plan from us, which includes 300 million credits/month and is valid for 30 days. After the 30-day validity period of the free plan expires, the platform will automatically restore the initial usage limit of the free plan for you. If the paid plan you subsequently purchase expires, we will also provide you with a free plan for use. For details on the free plan and other paid plans, see Plan Specifications.
If you use up the free quota before the end of the free package period, you will need to subscribe to a paid package or wait for the expiration of the free package period for the platform to automatically issue a new free package for you to obtain usage quota.
The following are the Credit pricing for different RPC methods based on their complexity.
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | 10 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getBlockReceipts | 250 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 500 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 500 |
debug_traceCall | 350 |
debug_traceTransaction | 350 |
API method | Credit consumption |
GetBeaconGenesis | 10 |
GetBeaconStatesRootByStateId | 20 |
GetBeaconStatesForkByStateId | 20 |
GetBeaconStatesFinalityCheckpointsByStateId | 20 |
GetBeaconStatesValidatorsByStateId | 110 |
PostBeaconStatesValidatorsByStateId | 110 |
GetBeaconStatesValidatorsByStateIdAndValidatorId | 110 |
GetBeaconStatesValidatorBalancesByStateId | 110 |
PostBeaconStatesValidatorBalancesByStateId | 110 |
GetBeaconStatesCommitteesByStateId | 50 |
GetBeaconStatesSyncCommitteesByStateId | 20 |
GetBeaconStatesRandaoByStateId | 20 |
GetBeaconHeaders | 20 |
GetBeaconHeadersByBlockId | 20 |
PostBeaconBlindedBlocks | 110 |
PostBeaconBlindedBlocksV2 | 110 |
PostBeaconBlocks | 110 |
PostBeaconBlocksV2 | 110 |
GetBeaconBlocksByBlockIdV2 | 20 |
GetBeaconBlocksRootByBlockId | 20 |
GetBeaconBlocksAttestationsByBlockId | 20 |
GetBeaconBlobSidecarsByBlockId | 70 |
PostBeaconRewardsSyncCommitteeByBlockId | 110 |
GetBeaconDepositSnapshot | 20 |
GetBeaconRewardsBlocksByBlockId | 40 |
PostBeaconRewardsAttestationsByEpoch | 110 |
GetBeaconBlindedBlocksByBlockId | 20 |
GetBeaconLightClientBootstrapByBlockRoot | 110 |
GetBeaconLightClientUpdates | 20 |
GetBeaconLightClientFinalityUpdate | 20 |
GetBeaconLightClientOptimisticUpdate | 20 |
GetBeaconPoolAttestations | 110 |
PostBeaconPoolAttestations | 110 |
GetBeaconPoolAttesterSlashings | 110 |
PostBeaconPoolAttesterSlashings | 110 |
GetBeaconPoolProposerSlashings | 20 |
PostBeaconPoolProposerSlashings | 110 |
PostBeaconPoolSyncCommittees | 110 |
GetBeaconPoolVoluntaryExits | 20 |
PostBeaconPoolVoluntaryExits | 110 |
GetBeaconPoolBlsToExecutionChanges | 20 |
PostBeaconPoolBlsToExecutionChanges | 110 |
GetBuilderStatesExpectedWithdrawalsByStateId | 40 |
GetConfigForkSchedule | 20 |
GetConfigSpec | 20 |
GetConfigDepositContract | 20 |
GetDebugBeaconStatesByStateIdV2 | 350 |
GetDebugBeaconHeadsV2 | 350 |
GetDebugForkChoice | 350 |
GetNodePeers | 30 |
GetNodePeersByPeerId | 20 |
GetNodePeerCount | 20 |
GetNodeVersion | 10 |
GetNodeSyncing | 10 |
GetNodeHealth | 10 |
PostValidatorDutiesAttesterByEpoch | 110 |
GetValidatorDutiesProposerByEpoch | 110 |
PostValidatorDutiesSyncByEpoch | 110 |
GetValidatorBlocksBySlotV2 | 60 |
GetValidatorBlocksBySlotV3 | 60 |
GetValidatorBlindedBlocksBySlot | 60 |
GetValidatorAttestationData | 60 |
GetValidatorAggregateAttestation | 60 |
PostValidatorAggregateAndProofs | 110 |
PostValidatorBeaconCommitteeSubscriptions | 110 |
PostValidatorSyncCommitteeSubscriptions | 110 |
PostValidatorBeaconCommitteeSelections | 110 |
GetValidatorSyncCommitteeContribution | 60 |
PostValidatorSyncCommitteeSelections | 110 |
PostValidatorContributionAndProofs | 110 |
PostValidatorPrepareBeaconProposer | 110 |
PostValidatorRegisterValidator | 110 |
PostValidatorLivenessByEpoch | 110 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | 10 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getBlockReceipts | 250 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 500 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 500 |
debug_traceCall | 350 |
debug_traceTransaction | 350 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getTransactionReceiptsByBlock | 250 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
net_listening | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
bor_getRootHash | 10 |
bor_getCurrentValidators | 10 |
bor_getCurrentProposer | 10 |
bor_getAuthor | 10 |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 500 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 500 |
debug_traceCall | 350 |
debug_traceTransaction | 350 |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | 10 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getBlockReceipts | 250 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 500 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 500 |
debug_traceCall | 350 |
debug_traceTransaction | 350 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getWork | 10 |
eth_protocolVersion | 0 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 25 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
net_listening | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 0 |
web3_sha3 | 0 |
buildTransaction | 20 |
gettransactionbyid | 25 |
gettransactioninfobyblocknum | 25 |
getcontract | 40 |
estimateenergy | 100 |
getaccountnet | 15 |
getaccountresource | 15 |
getaccount | 25 |
getnowblock | 15 |
gettransactioninfobyid | 15 |
getblockbynum | 25 |
getblockbyid | 25 |
getblockbylimitnext | 75 |
getblockbylatestnum | 75 |
triggerconstantcontract | 20 |
broadcasthex | 200 |
broadcasttransaction | 200 |
triggersmartcontract | 20 |
createtransaction | 20 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getBlockReceipts | 250 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 500 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 500 |
debug_traceCall | 350 |
debug_traceTransaction | 350 |
API method | Credit consumption |
v2_GET_detectAddress | 10 |
v2_GET_getAddressBalance | 60 |
v2_GET_getAddressInformation | 60 |
v2_GET_getAddressState | 10 |
v2_GET_getExtendedAddressInformation | 65 |
v2_GET_getTokenData | 40 |
v2_GET_getTransactions | 100 |
v2_GET_getWalletInformation | 40 |
v2_GET_packAddress | 10 |
v2_GET_unpackAddress | 10 |
v2_GET_getBlockHeader | 60 |
v2_GET_getBlockTransactions | 40 |
v2_GET_getBlockTransactionsExt | 40 |
v2_GET_getConsensusBlock | 10 |
v2_GET_getMasterchainBlockSignatures | 100 |
v2_GET_getMasterchainInfo | 30 |
v2_GET_getShardBlockProof | 60 |
v2_GET_lookupBlock | 50 |
v2_GET_tryLocateResultTx | 500 |
v2_GET_tryLocateSourceTx | 500 |
v2_GET_tryLocateTx | 500 |
v2_GET_shards | 80 |
v2_GET_getConfigParam | 30 |
v2_POST_runGetMethod | 90 |
v2_POST_estimateFee | 60 |
v2_POST_sendBoc | 60 |
v2_POST_sendBocReturnHash | 60 |
v2_POST_sendQuery | 60 |
API method | Credit consumption |
v3_GET_accountStates | 100 |
v3_GET_walletStates | 85 |
v3_GET_actions | 85 |
v3_GET_events | 150 |
v3_GET_blocks | 150 |
v3_GET_masterchainBlockShardState | 60 |
v3_GET_masterchainBlockShards | 60 |
v3_GET_masterchainInfo | 60 |
v3_GET_messages | 150 |
v3_GET_transactions | 150 |
v3_GET_transactionsByMasterchainBlock | 150 |
v3_GET_transactionsByMessage | 150 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_call | 50 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 110 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getBlockReceipts | 250 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getLogs | 85 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 25 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | 10 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 15 |
web3_sha3 | 15 |
net_version | 0 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 30 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 20 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
ftm_currentEpoch | 10 |
dag_getEvent | 15 |
dag_getEventPayload | 20 |
dag_getHeads | 10 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockReceipts | 250 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
net_version | 0 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockReceipts | 250 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getCompilers | 10 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | 10 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 500 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 500 |
debug_traceCall | 350 |
debug_traceTransaction | 350 |
zks_estimateFee | 150 |
zks_estimateGasL1ToL2 | 150 |
zks_getAllAccountBalances | 100 |
zks_getBlockDetails | 100 |
zks_getBridgeContracts | 0 |
zks_getBytecodeByHash | 100 |
zks_getL1BatchBlockRange | 10 |
zks_getL1BatchDetails | 20 |
zks_getL2ToL1LogProof | 30 |
zks_getL2ToL1MsgProof | 25 |
zks_getMainContract | 0 |
zks_getProof | 30 |
zks_getRawBlockTransactions | 20 |
zks_getTestnetPaymaster | 10 |
zks_getTransactionDetails | 15 |
zks_L1BatchNumber | 0 |
zks_L1ChainId | 0 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_createAccessList | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | 10 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
net_version | 0 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 500 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 500 |
debug_traceCall | 350 |
debug_traceTransaction | 350 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | 10 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
net_version | 0 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 500 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 500 |
debug_traceCall | 350 |
debug_traceTransaction | 350 |
rollup_gasPrices | 10 |
rollup_getInfo | 10 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getCompilers | 10 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
txpool_content | 10 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 0 |
eth_protocolVersion | 0 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
zkevm_batchNumber | 20 |
zkevm_batchNumberByBlockNumber | 20 |
zkevm_consolidatedBlockNumber | 20 |
zkevm_getBatchByNumber | 60 |
zkevm_isBlockConsolidated | 20 |
zkevm_isBlockVirtualized | 20 |
zkevm_verifiedBatchNumber | 20 |
zkevm_virtualBatchNumber | 20 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
net_listening | 0 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_accounts | 10 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_feeHistory | 10 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockReceipts | 250 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getProof | 30 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 15 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_listening | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 75 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 500 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 500 |
debug_traceCall | 350 |
debug_traceTransaction | 350 |
API method | Credit consumption |
sui_devInspectTransactionBlock | 50 |
sui_dryRunTransactionBlock | 50 |
sui_executeTransactionBlock | 50 |
sui_getChainIdentifier | 10 |
sui_getCheckpoint | 10 |
sui_getCheckpoints | 50 |
sui_getEvents | 10 |
sui_getLatestCheckpointSequenceNumber | 10 |
sui_getLoadedChildObjects | 10 |
sui_getMoveFunctionArgTypes | 20 |
sui_getNormalizedMoveFunction | 20 |
sui_getNormalizedMoveModule | 20 |
sui_getNormalizedMoveModulesByPackage | 30 |
sui_getNormalizedMoveStruct | 25 |
sui_getObject | 25 |
sui_getProtocolConfig | 20 |
sui_getTotalTransactionBlocks | 10 |
sui_getTransactionBlock | 20 |
sui_multiGetObjects | 20 |
sui_multiGetTransactionBlocks | 20 |
sui_tryGetPastObject | 20 |
sui_tryMultiGetPastObjects | 40 |
suix_getAllBalances | 10 |
suix_getAllCoins | 10 |
suix_getBalance | 10 |
suix_getCoinMetadata | 20 |
suix_getCoins | 20 |
suix_getCommitteeInfo | 40 |
suix_getDynamicFieldObject | 10 |
suix_getDynamicFields | 10 |
suix_getLatestSuiSystemState | 40 |
suix_getOwnedObjects | 10 |
suix_getReferenceGasPrice | 10 |
suix_getStakes | 10 |
suix_getStakesByIds | 10 |
suix_getTotalSupply | 10 |
suix_getValidatorsApy | 40 |
suix_queryEvents | 20 |
suix_queryTransactionBlocks | 20 |
suix_resolveNameServiceAddress | 10 |
suix_resolveNameServiceNames | 10 |
suix_subscribeEvent | 20 |
suix_subscribeTransaction | 20 |
unsafe_batchTransaction | 40 |
unsafe_mergeCoins | 40 |
unsafe_moveCall | 40 |
unsafe_pay | 40 |
unsafe_payAllSui | 40 |
unsafe_paySui | 40 |
unsafe_publish | 40 |
unsafe_requestAddStake | 40 |
API method | Credit consumption |
get_events_by_creation_number | 75 |
get_events_by_event_handle | 75 |
get_account | 20 |
get_account_resources | 125 |
get_account_modules | 150 |
get_account_transactions | 150 |
get_specific_account_resource | 25 |
get_specific_account_module | 150 |
get_blocks_by_height | 20 |
get_blocks_by_version | 20 |
get_table_item | 20 |
get_table_raw_item | 50 |
get_transactions | 150 |
get_ledger_information | 20 |
submit_transaction | 20 |
get_transaction_by_hash | 75 |
get_transaction_by_version | 75 |
submit_batch_transactions | 20 |
simulate_transaction | 20 |
encode_submission | 20 |
estimate_gas_price | 20 |
execute_view_function | 150 |
API method | Credit consumption |
getbestblockhash | 10 |
getblock | 100 |
getblockchaininfo | 20 |
getblockcount | 10 |
getblockhash | 10 |
getblockheader | 15 |
getblockstats | 15 |
getchaintips | 10 |
getchaintxstats | 10 |
getdifficulty | 10 |
getmempoolancestors | 10 |
getmempooldescendants | 10 |
getmempoolinfo | 10 |
getrawmempool | 70 |
gettxout | 10 |
gettxoutproof | 10 |
gettxoutsetinfo | 200 |
getmemoryinfo | 10 |
decoderawtransaction | 25 |
decodescript | 10 |
getrawtransaction | 30 |
sendrawtransaction | 100 |
testmempoolaccept | 15 |
estimatesmartfee | 10 |
getindexinfo | 10 |
validateaddress | 10 |
verifymessage | 10 |
API method | Credit consumption |
avax.getAtomicTx | 20 |
avax.getAtomicTxStatus | 10 |
avax.getUTXOs | 20 |
avax.issueTx | 40 |
avm.buildGenesis | 40 |
avm.getAssetDescription | 20 |
avm.getBlockByHeight | 20 |
avm.getHeight | 10 |
avm.getTx | 30 |
avm.getUTXOs | 20 |
avm.issueTx | 40 |
eth_baseFee | 10 |
eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas | 10 |
eth_getChainConfig | 20 |
eth_blockNumber | 10 |
eth_call | 40 |
eth_chainId | 0 |
eth_estimateGas | 100 |
eth_gasPrice | 10 |
eth_getAssetBalance | 10 |
eth_getBalance | 15 |
eth_getBlockByHash | 25 |
eth_getBlockByNumber | 25 |
eth_getBlockReceipts | 250 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 15 |
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 15 |
eth_getCode | 25 |
eth_getLogs | 75 |
eth_getStorageAt | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 20 |
eth_getTransactionByHash | 20 |
eth_getTransactionCount | 25 |
eth_getTransactionReceipt | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 15 |
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 15 |
eth_newBlockFilter | 20 |
eth_newFilter | 20 |
eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 20 |
eth_sendRawTransaction | 200 |
eth_syncing | 0 |
net_version | 0 |
platform.getBlock | 20 |
platform.getBlockchainStatus | 10 |
platform.getCurrentSupply | 10 |
platform.getCurrentValidators | 10 |
platform.getHeight | 10 |
platform.getMinStake | 10 |
platform.getPendingValidators | 20 |
platform.getStakingAssetID | 10 |
platform.getTimestamp | 10 |
platform.getTotalStake | 10 |
platform.getTx | 30 |
platform.getTxStatus | 10 |
platform.getUTXOs | 20 |
platform.getValidatorsAt | 100 |
platform.issueTx | 10 |
platform.sampleValidators | 20 |
platform.validatedBy | 10 |
platform.validates | 10 |
web3_clientVersion | 10 |
eth_subscribe | 20 |
eth_unsubscribe | 20 |
eth_subscribe_reload | 20 |
eth_getFilterChanges | 25 |
eth_getFilterLogs | 25 |
eth_uninstallFilter | 10 |
API method | Credit consumption |
starknet_blockNumber | 10 |
starknet_blockHashAndNumber | 10 |
starknet_call | 40 |
starknet_chainId | 0 |
starknet_estimateFee | 100 |
starknet_estimateMessageFee | 120 |
starknet_getBlockTransactionCount | 20 |
starknet_getBlockWithTxHashes | 30 |
starknet_getBlockWithTxs | 40 |
starknet_getClass | 60 |
starknet_getClassAt | 70 |
starknet_getClassHashAt | 20 |
starknet_getEvents | 60 |
starknet_getNonce | 20 |
starknet_getStateUpdate | 60 |
starknet_getStorageAt | 15 |
starknet_getTransactionByBlockIdAndIndex | 20 |
starknet_getTransactionByHash | 20 |
starknet_getTransactionReceipt | 25 |
starknet_getTransactionStatus | 15 |
starknet_pendingTransactions | 60 |
starknet_specVersion | 0 |
starknet_syncing | 0 |
starknet_addDeclareTransaction | 250 |
starknet_addDeployAccountTransaction | 250 |
starknet_addInvokeTransaction | 250 |
starknet_traceBlockTransactions | 500 |
starknet_traceTransaction | 350 |
starknet_simulateTransactions | 500 |
pathfinder_version | 0 |
pathfinder_getProof | 400 |
pathfinder_getTransactionStatus | 15 |
Subscription/Unsubscription requests consume a fixed 30 Credits. Subsequent push message deliveries will consume additional Credits based on the size of each push message and the subscription type:
- If the pushed message is less than 500 bytes, each push will consume 5 Credits.
- If the pushed message is greater than 500 bytes: for blockSubscribe, each pushed message consumes 100 Credits; for other subscriptions, each pushed message consumes 35 Credits.
API method | Credit consumption |
getAccountInfo | 20 |
getBalance | 20 |
getLargestAccounts | 3000 |
getSupply | 1000 |
getTokenAccountBalance | 50 |
getTokenAccountsByDelegate | 50 |
getTokenAccountsByOwner | 100 |
getTokenLargestAccounts | 50 |
getTokenSupply | 50 |
getVoteAccounts | 50 |
getBlock | 100 |
getBlockCommitment | 10 |
getBlockProduction | 100 |
getBlockHeight | 10 |
getBlocks | 60 |
getBlocksWithLimit | 10 |
getBlockTime | 10 |
getFirstAvailableBlock | 60 |
getLatestBlockhash | 20 |
isBlockhashValid | 10 |
getClusterNodes | 60 |
getEpochInfo | 10 |
getEpochSchedule | 20 |
getSlot | 10 |
getSlotLeader | 20 |
getSlotLeaders | 50 |
minimumLedgerSlot | 20 |
getFeeForMessage | 30 |
getRecentPrioritizationFees | 10 |
getConfirmedTransaction | 50 |
getTransaction | 50 |
getTransactionCount | 50 |
simulateTransaction | 50 |
sendTransaction | 50 |
getGenesisHash | 10 |
getHealth | 10 |
getHighestSnapshotSlot | 10 |
getIdentity | 10 |
getInflationGovernor | 10 |
getInflationRate | 10 |
getInflationReward | 350 |
getMaxRetransmitSlot | 10 |
getMaxShredInsertSlot | 10 |
getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption | 40 |
getMultipleAccounts | 40 |
getProgramAccounts | 150 |
getRecentPerformanceSamples | 40 |
getSignaturesForAddress | 40 |
getSignatureStatuses | 40 |
getVersion | 10 |
requestAirdrop | 10 |
API method | Credit consumption |
zan_getNFTMetadata | 20 |
zan_getNFTsByOwner | 300 |
zan_getNftIDs | 350 |
zan_verifyNFTHolder | 400 |
zan_getNFTHolders | 500 |
zan_getNftIDHolders | 500 |
zan_getNftCollectionHolders | 500 |
zan_getNftTransfers | 500 |
zan_getTokenMetadata | 20 |
zan_getTokenBalanceByOwner | 20 |
zan_getTokensByOwner | 200 |
zan_getTokenHoldersCount | 300 |
zan_getTokenHolders | 500 |
zan_getTransactionReceiptsByBlockNumber | 250 |
zan_getTransactionReceiptsByBlockHash | 250 |
zan_simulateExecution | 500 |
zan_simulateAssetChanges | 600 |
debug_traceBlockByHash | 500 |
debug_traceBlockByNumber | 500 |
debug_traceCall | 401 |
debug_traceTransaction | 401 |
zan_getListOfInscriptions | 600 |
zan_getTransfersPerBlock | 300 |
zan_getSpecificInscription | 300 |
zan_getInscriptionContent | 100 |
zan_getInscriptionTransfers | 300 |
zan_getSatoshiOrdinal | 100 |
zan_getSatoshiInscriptions | 250 |
zan_getInscriptionsPerBlock | 300 |
zan_getBRC20Tokens | 350 |
zan_getBRC20TokenDetails | 350 |
zan_getBRC20TokenHolders | 400 |
zan_getBRC20Balances | 400 |
zan_getBRC20Activity | 350 |
API method | Credit consumption |
eth_sendUserOperation | 800 |
eth_estimateUserOperationGas | 400 |
eth_getUserOperationByHash | 15 |
eth_getUserOperationReceipt | 15 |
eth_supportedEntryPoints | 5 |
The pricing for Webhook and WebSocket Subscriptions on ZAN Node is based on the amount of data delivered as part of the subscription, known as bandwidth.
Typically, a webhook or WebSocket subscription event contains around 1000 bytes of data, which would consume 40 credits.
However, it's important to note that this can vary depending on the specific event.
Each subscription type is priced identically per byte:
Bandwidth | credits |
1 byte | 0.04 |
Unlike other blockchains, Solana has a unique Credits calculation method for WebSocket Subscriptions, as detailed in Solana's Credit pricing details.
During the public beta period, we're confident that developers have had a great experience with our Free Beta version! Now we have introduced a wider range of packages for developers to choose from. The specific package details are as follows.
Specification | Free | Growth | Pro | Enterprise |
Applicable groups | Web3 beginners | individual developers | professional teams | large-scale enterprise applications |
Pricing | $0/month | $49/month | $299/month | Custom |
Monthly usage limit of credits | 300 million credits ≈ 20 million requests | 500 million credits ≈ 25 million requests | 3000 million credits ≈ 150 million requests | Custom |
Upper limit of credits consumed per second | 400 ≈ 20 request/s | 2000 ≈ 100 request/s | 5000 ≈ 250 request/s | Custom |
Maximum number of API keys allowed | 3 | 10 | 30 | Custom |
Archive data | Y | Y | Y | Y |
After-sales support (24/7) | N | Y | Y | Y |
Contract review | N | N | N | Y |
Custom SLA | N | N | N | Y |
For the purchase process of paid packages (Growth, Pro, Enterprise), as well as subsequent upgrades, renewals, etc., please refer to Purchase guide.