🚀 Getting started


  • Quick start to use KYT console
    You can quickly start KYT through our console panel on ZAN website by just putting address or transaction hash in the search box.
  • Use API to start KYT
    You can use Terminal or Postman to send KYT request by following our API reference.

🔏 Preparing a ZAN account

If you have not signed up for a ZAN account

Click Sign Up at top right on home page . Then create your ZAN account and login.

Quick start to use KYT console

After completing the registration of your ZAN account, you will get an AccessKey on KYT console panel. You can quickly start a KYT as follows:

Click on Know Your Transaction at left top on home page .

If you are a new registered user, you may need to complete a form before using KYT service.

Use API to start KYT

We also offer a code level way to start KYT. You can use your preferred way to send request by following OpenAPI standard reference via this link.

Your Access Key could be found at Dashboard section on web console.