API Reference


Return the raw transaction data.
By default this function only works for mempool transactions. When called with a blockhash argument, getrawtransaction will return the transaction if the specified block is available and the transaction is found in that block. When called without a blockhash argument, getrawtransaction will return the transaction if it is in the mempool, or if -txindex is enabled and the transaction is in a block in the blockchain.
Hint: Use gettransaction for wallet transactions.
If verbose is true, returns an Object with information about txid.
If verbose is false or omitted, returns a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for txid.

Argument #1 - txid
Type: string, required
The transaction id

Argument #2 - verbose
Type: boolean, optional, default=false
If false, return a string, otherwise return a json object

Argument #3 - blockhash
Type: string, optional
The block in which to look for the transaction

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