If you haven't created a contract indexer before, you can gain a preliminary understanding of it through the Indexer Demo on this page and experience it within the Playground.
Demo Scene Introduction
Assuming you are particularly interested in the issuance/redemption (ISSUE/REDEEM) of USDT or its liquidity (TRANSFER), you can utilize ZAN's Contract Indexer to subscribe to MINT/REDEEM events as well as TRANSFER events. We will automatically process and refine the subscribed events for you, allowing you to conveniently query and access the processed data through either our console or the provided API services. This way, you can flexibly retrieve the information to support your specific business needs.
This Indexer Demo provides you with a comprehensive overview of its basic information, including the critical parameters necessary to build the view, and vital access details such as the URL and key necessary to interact with the view.
- Contract Address: 0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7
- Cleaning Contents: USDT Records(Approval & Transfer)
- Function: Allow querying Approval and Transfer records from USDT contract synchronized up to the latest
- Demo Playground Link: support an independent querying playground that does not require login.

Explore the Playground
In the Playground, you can effortlessly experience the functionalities of the indexer demo. Start by setting corresponding values to the target parameters of your chosen events in the leftmost pane; as you do this, the corresponding code lines associated with these parameters will be displayed in real-time within the middle pane. Simply click the execute button , the system will promptly run the code, and present the data fetched from the contract indexer in real-time within the rightmost pane.

In the indexer demo, the default configuration is set to display the latest 10 transaction records. You can customize and modify the limitNumber parameter value to retrieve more transaction data. Please note that the maximum number of records the system can return in a single query is limited to 1000. If you need to retrieve more than this amount, feel free to contact us for assistance.