API Reference

Bundler API Quickstart

The Bundler APIs are a collection of ERC-4337 compliant JSON-RPC endpoints which makes it possible for users to work with UserOperations. ZAN Bundler service is engineered to integrate effortlessly with widely-used Account Abstraction SDKs, promoting ease of use and enabling swift adoption. Strict adherence to ERC-7562 validation rules is meticulously enforced to ensure compliance and reliability of the service.

Our Advantages

  1. Reliable: Relying on the infrastructure provided by ZAN Networks, ZAN Bundler delivers stable and reliable services especially in the Asia-Pacific region.
  2. Low latency: ZAN bundler has been specifically optimized for minimizing userOperation latency. With our optimizations in place, userOperation are immediately packaged upon entering our mempool, eliminating the need for any waiting time (instant bundling policy). Additionally, we employ a parallel transaction sending architecture to prevent the aforementioned instant bundling policy from impacting the bundling of subsequent user userOperations, thereby enhancing overall throughput.
  3. Enhanced Query API: ZAN bundler provides addition query API to improve user experience. For example, users can call eth_getUserOperationByHash API to query the status of their sent userOperations to determine whether they have been dropped, awaiting bundling, or already included in the blockchain.

Supported Networks

  • Ethereum Mainnet
  • Ethereum Sepolia
  • Polygon Mainnet
  • Polygon Amoy
  • Optimism Mainnet
  • Optimism Sepolia
  • Arbitrum One
  • Arbitrum Sepolia

If you have further requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.

ERC-4337 Bundler API Endpoints

All of the Bundler API endpoints are listed below along with links to their individual pages and brief descriptions.


Submits a user operation to a Bundler. If the request is successfull, the endpoint will return a user operation hash that the caller can use to look up the status of the user operation. If it fails, or another error occurs, an error code and description will be returned.


Estimates the gas values for a user operation. It returns the preVerificationGas, verificationGasLimit, and callGasLimit values associated with the provided user operation.


Returns a user operation based on the given user operation hash. It returns the user operation along with extra information including what block/transaction it was included in. If the operation has not yet been included, it will return null.


Returns a user operation receipt ( metadata associated with the given user operation ) based on the given user operation hash. It returns null if the user operation has not yet been included.


Returns a list of Entrypoint contract addresses supported by the bunder endpoints. Currently, Rundler ( Alchemy's custom built Bundler ) only supports EntryPoint v0.6.0 at 0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789