API Reference

API Instructions

Basic Usage Instructions

  • You should get an Access Key before you get started.
  • Access Key is generated from KYT console by yourself. The following picture shows how to generate Access Key.

  • Access Key should be added to the header of your request. Here are some examples about how to use Access Key.
## Replace {apiKey} with the API key you obtained from the ZAN dashboard.
## You can also replace the "eth" and "mainnet" with any other supported networks.
curl https://api.zan.top/kyt/v1/score \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization:Bearer {apiKey}" \
     -X POST \
     -d "{\"objectId\":\"0xA160cdAB225685dA1d56aa342Ad8841c3b53f291\",\"objectType\":\"address\",\"analysisType\":\"\",\"chainShortName\":\"eth\",\"depth\":\"\"}"